Tell us about yourself!

We’d like to share some information about you on our iRTES broadcasts and other public media such as announcements! Knowing about the drivers adds interest to the presentation and what you provide may be revealed during the broadcasts when you and your car are featured onscreen, or as prompts if you’re in the interview booth during/after a race.

Anything you say here may be mentioned by the iRTES broadcasters or admin team, so please answer only the questions you’re comfortable with!

The real name you use in iRacing and on the CMS Discord
Everything after the @ symbol. We'll use this if we need to reach out to you about iRTES.

About Your Team

This section contains questions about your team in iRTES. If you are not yet on a team, check the CMS Discord for teams that may be looking for drivers.
Your overall iRTES team name
List the name(s) your team has given the car(s) (e.g., "Team Blue")
Check all that apply!
Interesting facts about the drivers on your team! What makes you all unique? Are you two aliens in a trench coat? Are you in a blues band together?
(Please don't include any personal information your teammates don't want the whole world to know.)
Is this your team's first season with iRTES? If not, please remind us which season(s) you've competed in previously, and what it was like for you.
If some of your teammates are new, or you've all competed on other teams before, let us know that, too!

About You

Personal details that will help our broadcast team when they are covering your race, or when you're in the interview room.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you're OK with us displaying your likeness, you can optionally upload a picture of yourself.
No NSFW content, or recognizable trademarks. You must hold the copyright for this image.
Specifications: Maximum size 1MB, PNG or JPEG.
How long have you been sim racing? Which sim(s) do you use most often?
Is there anything special or perhaps "extra humble" about your sim rig? E.g., are you two tenths faster than everyone else, on a clapped out G25?
What are you personally hoping to accomplish this season? No matter how grandiose or mundane, we'd love to hear it!
What sort of work do you do? What else do you do for fun? Are you working undercover for the CMSIA (Canadian Maple Syrup Intelligence Agency)? Tell us all about it!
Can you think of any other fun facts about you that you'd like our broadcast team to know?

Permission for iRTES to use my responses

1. I understand that the responses I've given here may be mentioned in broadcasts, announcements, and other public iRTES media.
2. I have answered only those questions I am 100% comfortable with.
3. I have not revealed any information my teammates (or any other person) would rather be kept private.
4. (Images) I am the copyright holder of any image I have provided.
5. I know I can contact the iRTES admin team at any time to provide updated information, or to request any responses no longer be used.
    We are unable to remove information from previous live broadcasts that has already been disclosed.

Thank you for taking the time to send us this information! Your responses will help us provide more interesting and exciting commentary.